
He "said" it wasn't. Same as that the red cape "wasn't" Beta Ray Bill. In all honesty, those could've been a way to gauge fan reaction to seeing them and which one fits in. Adam Warlock needs to be in here as much as Beta Ray Bill. They're both rather important to upcoming stories. Unless Marvel just wants to continue

It's easy to dodge and is harder to land than a Blitz hook lol.

Yea the photographer could've easily fixed this. If not for simply the respect of the cosplayer ya know?

Um I'm not sure why the all caps? I happen to love Ridley Scott and wrote two thesis papers in college in defense of Prometheus. lol. However, what I stated is completely true. He is a director, who very rarely gets involved in scripting of his films. He handles story elements and atmosphere, but he doesn't write the

That was my whole point lol.

The organ grinder is absolutely fitting for this lol.

A lot of people seem to miss that. Especially at the early stage of his career, Scott wasn't in charge of writing. He is a visuals, camera, in the seat kind of guy. He delivers what he does without worrying to much about the script. He is a vision-based director. He helps develop story true, but he hand-waves a lot if

Dear god where did you find that image? My childhood!

You're not quite understanding a couple things.

The Star Wars example will be tenfold more INSULTING if the rumor about the villian being Han and Leia's son turns out to be true.

No worries. You asked a question and I just wanted to give a rundown. The only thing I will say is that while her liking/disliking video games is relevant. To attack a medium that one does not fully understand from personal experiences is an issue. Then to claim to be a proponent of that industry while having been

I will simply say this. Between end of S4 and as of the new patch I have seen 4X as many executes in the jungle than I ever did before. It's kind of sad.

You ain't kidding. Especially when Diana actually has a safer and faster clear time starting at Krugs. I love Diana and Elise as well. If I'm forced to play Jungle that's who I go to. But man is it frustrating against so many J4's.

First off. I watch her vids. I am a subscriber to her channel. I will follow her, and defend her right to speak about this. Not because I agree with her, far from it. She does have some good intentions, but it's horribly misguided and minimalist in her approach to giving examples of her issues. However, she bears

LibroVox is mine. It's free as well. I like older stuff and there's a LOT in the public domain. Not all of the stories are the best quality of course, but it's a community project. If you're willing to keep that in mind, it's awesome.

Actually it was just fine for the era. Or better yet, what other films from 1992 are you comparing it to? If you bring in T2 or Predator 2, those films are very similar in production value and the effects are slightly dated in retrospect today, except for the T-1000, that was a work of art. Really what hurt the

lol you realize that CGI wasn't what it is now in 1992 right? It wasn't until Jurassic Park came out that CGI in films really started taking off.

Technically it is. It's in New Jersey. Metropolis is near DC.

Serious question. Do any of you guys know that Iris and Barry marry, but have nothing but struggles in the comics? She finally gets transported to the future where Barry follows and stays with her. Her grandkid is Bart Allen, the 4th Flash and her nephew is Wally West, the 3rd Flash.