
He did. Magic Kingdom for Disney. He never left the Mouse House. It was Paramount that caused the friction.

I still don't know how they're going to pull off Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. It just seems weird to have these majoy X-Men players and have them literally pop-up without any backstory.

Agreed. I wish they'd left him "dead" for the rest of the season.

So Idris Elba doesn't attend Church XD...sorry I'll leave.

Uh, what acrimonious split? He left because Paramount and Marvel were arguing to much about production. He stayed on with Marvel and executive produced not only Iron Man 3 but also The Avengers.

Or to completely rip off Tansformers to boot. At least if you're going to do it, have that stakes matter. Make us feel like they may not make it out alive, instead of snarky quips.

You're right, a reboot is something that completely starts everything over. Which would be Flashpoint and the upcoming Secret Wars 2. Those are reboots. DC didn't reboot itself, but made streamlining alterations due to a major event, but the continuity of those previous activities were not lost. DC always left a

Uh no I get that. Especially since I own all the DVDs from that show. So no, I understand why that's the "accepted" interpretation of her. It's also a very naive, but adorable one. That TV show was pure gold and I miss it to this day.

This is why I can accept the new power. It has a serious trade-off.

Actually I'm not "critically" confused on anything. I just have a different point of view. Especially since DC didn't actually throw anything out. If they did then why would characters from "older" versions of the DC universe be around, remember what happened before?

So you say I'm nearly wrong, then completely agree that the character is sexual and unreserved? How can I be both right and wrong?

Look, I get what your saying. The issue is you're approaching it from a different point of view than I am. I don't disagree with what you've written, and I appreciate the actual responses by the way.

But they still qualify. Defend it all you want, but if it altered the characters fundamentally in any way it counts. You can't hand-wave that. Sorry. Marvel NOW! was a complete rebranding and relaunching of Marvel one Disney aquirred them. That's a direct statement from Marvel itself.

You are correct, however Marvel NOW! was an attempt to bring that character over. The creators stated as such, that way the could have the main 616 universe have the Samuel Jackson character in their proper universe. They couldn't do that with the current Nick Fury, so they "altered" an existing character to become

I never said it did.

Um...if mutants who had powers, suddenly don't, wouldn't that be a permanent change? Cause that's pretty permanent. It also meant that several ongoing series were cancelled due to the fallout. Once again, permanent. It was a fallout from Avengers Disassembled and Planet X. the fallout from those leading to Scarlet

Fine we'll leave comics sales out of this, but next time, lead with that first rather than a 2 year old blog. It would've eliminated the bickering on my part. I'll concede the sales part, but it's not by much btw, only 4%, which is not exactly dominating.

Actually no. The original Secret Wars was just that, a clearing house. Several books were cancelled or rebooted afterwards. All of the events listed above reshaped the Marvel universe in some way that led to both book cancellations, character reboots, or in some cases outright fabrications.

Uh, no. The Scarlet Witch completely erased nearly all mutants in House of M because she had a super-sized tantrum and said "No More Mutants." That's the same as Superboy Prime's punches. Period.

I can agree with this. While Babs is always my Batgirl at heart, I love Stephanie Brown. Also, Oracle was a beast. A well-rounded character who overcame a lot in her days. I also hate the "reimagining" of Barbara lately. It's like they de-aged her 10 years, took away all of her experiences with the top tier of