
If you have to have text to help your mind associate a character with their environment, the artist has failed. Art is about communicating visually. This artist completely failed to do that. Take that character, and place him on a track and field with students. Does he look like a coach? No. He looks like a threat

Yea really dude. It is the initial view of the work. If that description wasn't there you would not even think starting pistol. As an artist your first job is to communicate visually. This artist did not communicate in the slightest that Gaston was a PE Teacher. Most modern starting pistols are very prominently

I thought the same. Why is he a PE Teacher if he's carrying around a gun and looks like your stereotypical thug-bro?

Uh yeah lol Shenzi was voiced by Whoopie Goldberg lol.

He begins classes at the very end of the film.

Yea, check out Logan's Run from the 70s. It's got what amounts to full frontal nudity in some parts. My fiance and I re-watched it over the weekend. We both had to double check it to make sure it really was PG.

Exactly a point I made in a response to another poster. I really hate that these "Pending approvals" are around. I basically called the US Government out on being hypocritical in their "non-negotiating" practices. Here was the quote -

Yea...try saying that to any girl. Ever. It's one of the reasons I never understood the idea of those form fitting TARDIS dresses. Think about it...

And they have no style dahling. No panache. - taps cigarette filter -

That...doesn't really answer or solve anything. The Gwen in the 616 universe wasn't much older than a teenager, in her early 20s - 20-22 - when she was killed. Her and Peter were still in college as undergrads. So we're only talking about 2-4 years tops. The Spider-Gwen has her own place and appears to be living on

Yet how would he deal with Gwen suddenly being alive? Gwen was his soul-mate and one true love. To have her thrown back into his life like that would cause some serious issues with him and MJ. Especially since in the current 616, MJ and he kept breaking up and were never married.


I feel you here. There are times where I've been with someone romantically and I've had to gauge my actions and responses to make sure that I'm not conjuring up the "that's what they used to do" mentality. Same with friends in certain situations. Not that I'm not guilty of it myself at times. I'd be lying otherwise.

I think of movies that really are like The Goonies, they might, at first, be surprising: on its face, Earth to Echo (another filmed that many people called "Millennial Goonies") is only superficially similar, but it did manage to capture the adult language that kids absorb and then turn around and use in their private

I completely agree with you actually. We're more or less on the same page. There is a definite difference between dealing with and rewarding. There should be. I think the biggest concern is how do you deal with an ideal? That ideal is what leads to the terrorist actions. The use of violence, on either side, is such a

Actually that's rather amusing about Safari as the Google rendering engine was switched to Blink in 2013. The ironic thing about this is that Blink is essentially a branch off from WebKit that utilizes similar elements, specifically WebCore. Since WebKit is open source, Blink is being used to implement improvements

Thank you for not dismissing what I posted. I've never understood hatred towards people of color at all. I think it's just bullshit, as so many of my friends are from different ethnic backgrounds. I love them all ya know? If you do visit, make sure you don't go during March, or at least stay away from the Tipperary

Uh, this entire article was a history lesson. What happened in the past. Oregon's past. If you think racism is limited to the US, then why state that someone hasn't traveled? I didn't say the racism was in the US. Racism isn't a US thing, nor is it limited to a single skin color. It's not BS just because you want to

Hmm, sorry I missed that. However, from your perspective, the coding still matters as well as the interface. As far as users not caring, when a website looks different on IE than it does on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc they do. Especially when certain plug-ins don't function the way they should either. That coding

Oh I agree. It's shady no matter what. However, the Pats can claim "mitigating circumstances" if they were correct upon initial inspection. Point is, 11 out of 12 is a wide margin for something like this, and they got caught. Especially in a season where there have been numerous issues with officiating and rule