
Right?! #NovaVStheLanterns2015? With me?

I understand people liking this. For my girlfriend it's her definitive Spider-Man, and I liked Toby Maguire as Peter, he had the right amount of nerdiness going on and definitely looked the part. The overall plot was pretty spot-on overall in terms of story beats as well. Those are the good qualities.

I think the issue is that it tried to be TOO accurate and respectful. It felt like Snyder was going by a pain-by-numbers approach. Don't get me wrong, I think it was amazing and so very highly underrated. I think though in trying to stay accurate to the source that it lost a sense of soul and urgency. We're used to

Joss Wheadon. Hate having to walk on eggshells when I talk about this guy.

If you want to use actual Comic Book logic from Stan Lee. The X-Men were called as such because the had a X-tra gene in their genetic code from birth that granted them their powers. It lay dormant and manifested itself at various points during their maturation.

I...I can't star this enough! Dammit!

All of them have the exact equivalents available to them in each different Universe. That's the trick I think. However, between Captain Marvel and Superman? I dunno where Marvel would fall.

That argument is such a good one though. It all depends on your recording and where your headroom is for your actual recording levels. Increase the headroom on the track, dial back all the effects, and let the actual sound breathe and they can be matched up nicely. :).

Not true. The reason I would choose Batman is because he's consistently one-step ahead of his JLA counterparts. Batman has to be one-step ahead at all times. In the comics he's consistently shown this.

Choosy designers choose Jif ;) - jk. I hate this debate, but it is what it is.

That one is at least somewhat understandable though. Marvel's corporate logo does appear at the beginning of both films. So from the casual film-goer 's perspective they aren't mutually exclusive. It bugs me as well, but I don't blame them to harshly lol.

I haven't lol. I was waiting on Future's End to wrap-up and then pick up the collected volumes. I might just grab this one in the meantime.

While I grew up with Babs being Batgirl, I've always loved Stephanie Brown's character. She was a breath of fresh air at DC for a long time and I'm looking forward to her being back as well. Cheers!

So am I to assume you believe that the government mandating that everyone had to have healthcare, regardless of a fulltime position or the wages to be able to pay for said healthcare, is ok? Serious question. I didn't miss the cause and effect. The Health Insurance racket has always been broken. Yet healthcare

Right, the employers are now given a system which is government mandated, to which they can exploit to their own gains. What's worse is that it is now required to have some form of health insurance, or you must face a penalty of wages earned on your taxes. Why? You are absolutely correct that the employers are using

Luke Skywalker is described as "creepy and frightening in appearance" because you supposedly can see "the fire in his eyes" behind his grizzled appearance during some scenes.

This is how I've been feeling for the past week!

No worries lol. Hope you enjoy em.

If you liked those check out Akira and Ghost in the Shell. Or even Thirteenth Floor it's pretty underrated. Yea Johnny Mnemonic was based on William Gibson's story, which might also explain your distaste in it haha.

Well let me ask this, did you enjoy films like Blade Runner, The Matrix (the first one), Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Johnny Mnemonic, anything like that?