Total Eclipse of Your Art

Yesterday, my partner asked if I wanted him to bring me some food. I declined, as I didn’t want him to go out of his way just to deliver me some chicken. 20 minutes later, he texted me he was outside of my workplace, chicken in hand. I loved that he knew I didn’t want to inconvenience him, even if that meant no

Yep. My ex-husband has BPD, and vacillated between worshipping me and actively hating me for reasons that he admitted he didn’t know. By the time I left, I was so shattered as a person from trying to be everything to him that I felt responsible for his well-being, even after I left. Once I finally broke free, I

I have a good friend who finally figured out why he was eternally single: while the women he found attractive ranged from thin to “chubby” and had hobbies they were passionate about, he was solidly overweight and had no hobbies outside of gaming. He realized that, by his own standards, he had nothing to offer and

Every time I watch Juno, I end up crying. A fact that I forget about until the next time I watch it.

As a (presumed fellow) North Dakotan, I am not aware of any Democratic challengers. As frustrated as I am with her, she is a million times better than Kevin Cramer, who seems to exist just to say ridiculous things that no one should ever think, let alone say aloud. I also worry that she is basically the only Dem who

I was always the girl who “just got along better with guys” and got super defensive if anyone said they just wanted to have sex with me. Then I got divorced. Initially, I was so impressed with how my guy friends stepped up and wanted to listen to my feelings and talk me through the breakup.... within a matter of

My mom has had severe health issues for the past 15+ years, and didn’t have insurance for most of that time. The few times she was miserable enough to actually go to the clinic, doctors wrote her off as just being tired... over a decade later, she finally reached her limit and began pushing for real answers. Within

I can understand where you are coming from; that sounds so frustrating! I can certainly see why this would be a viable solution for you, especially if your wife is open to the idea. I am aware that I am an oddity in that I am a hypersexual woman, so denying my partner when they want it is basically a non-issue. I do

Exactly. And if you aren’t comfortable discussing what you want, maybe you need a new partner. I’ve realized how important communication is overall—the fact that my current partner and I are constantly checking in with each other in all facets of the relationship and really in tune with one another and our dynamic

Honestly, I have always been the person who has the higher sex drive and yes, it is incredibly frustrating. Like you, I have no issues with taking care of myself when my partner isn’t available/in the mood. Maybe this is why I take the thought of my partner fucking someone/thing that is not me; I am almost always up

Same here... I end up in this awkward position of wanting to correct him when he makes assumptions about my past/male friends but also accepting that “Seriously, you have nothing to worry about when I hang out with him; we fucked a couple of years ago and I was not impressed. Even without you, it won’t happen again”

I’ve been that woman. And it took me years to realize that the disconnect wasn’t so much sexual, as a complete inability of my partner to put my needs before his, delay his own gratification at all, or make any effort to communicate to improve my experience. As soon as I got rid of him, I made it a point to insist on

Yeah; I get thrown off by the scent of new toys; a whole doll would take a while to lose that weird rubbery smell.

My ex was addicted to porn, and often declined me in favor of it. By the end of our marriage, our sex life was nonexistent, and it really did a number on my self-confidence. That being said, I fully appreciate that sometimes you just need a quick release and don’t want to have to worry about another person’s

I am fully aware of what MS-13 is, but I still read it every damn time as B-613 and have momentary confusion that our government is concerned about the existence of a shadow organization that exists in Scandal. I’m not sure what this says about me....

I was raised on their advice. I am now a bisexual, atheist, slutty feminist who fully plans to abort the fetus if somehow my IUD fails me. My parents have literally cried to me about the fact that I am not who they raised me to be. I tell them that it’s their own fault for teaching me to read the Bible on my own, so I

I made a FWB drive across town (a good 20 minutes either way) to fold my laundry. He had been a jackass and knew it, so when I told him that he could only come over if he folded my laundry, and that was all he would get, he drove his ass over. I taught him how to fold my towels and then had a glass of wine and watched

Especially because those conversations are the ones that actually move relationships forward. When I think about the actual fights/super serious conversations I have had with my partner, they have all resulted in feeling closer and having a better understanding of how we function, both as people and as a couple. Yes,

Which is my whole issue with “My Best Friend’s Wedding”. Julia Roberts’ character is a horrible person who I feel no empathy for.

I have Bipolar II, and I didn’t find the comment unreasonable. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve and maintain any semblance of stability. When my partner and I first got together, he would get annoyed when I would talk about therapy or my meds (military family; they don’t talk about those things). I finally