Total Eclipse of Your Art

Yep. It is amazing the shit men will say to get out of using condoms. When I was single, I would deliberately not tell new partners that I had an IUD because I didn’t want there to be an “accident” since I wouldn’t get pregnant, anyway. I learned that lesson the hard way, from literally the first guy post-marriage.

Too bad Alicia Vikander wasn’t there to google the answers for her.

Their heads legit look like bad photoshop.

Had this happened when I was in high school in the very rural Midwest (we’re talking more cows than people territory), I would have been one of maybe a handful of kids who walked out. I guarantee we would have faced detention, at best, in addition to the mockery of our classmates and teachers. I know this because when

Turkish Delight was one of the biggest disappointments of my adult life.

Yep. I went to a “country school” (think Little House on the Prairie) from grades K-8. My county had several of them, which allowed hundreds of students to attend a school within a reasonable distance from home—for some, we are talking 45 minutes, one way, on dirt/gravel roads, in a region that gets lots of snow.

I blame my ex. I didn’t like it the first time, which pissed him off, which made him watch it more/criticize me for not liking it... which, weirdly, resulted in my hating the movie. And, you know, is a great example of why he is my ex.

I have only truly respected one person who was pro-life. I had an ethics professor who, any time abortion came up, said that if anyone in the class was dealing with an unwanted pregnancy or knew someone who was, to please set up a time to meet with he and his wife. They had already adopted several kids (I want to say

My college roommate introduced me to her new guy, “Curtis”. He was older than us and GM at the local Applebee’s. I hated him on sight, and tried to tactfully explain to her that something just didn’t feel right. Cut to a week later, I’m training in the new server at the restaurant I work at. She tells me all about her

I love to tease my partner that sex with him is fine because it’s post-marriage (to my ex). Funnily enough, my parents refused to sleep over when my ex and I were “living in sin”, but post-divorce, my partner and I get one room in the cabin my parents rent in the summer... the logic checks out.

This feels ripped from an L&O:SVU script; the cops want him arrested, but the DA just needs a little more evidence... give it 5 minutes and he’ll be caught on a livestream with a naked 15-yo girl, promising he’ll make her a star.

That was basically the message I sent my dad’s sisters when I asked my ex for a divorce. They are nosy and obnoxious as fuck, and I didn’t want to deal with their shit. So I just sent a facebook message that said “Hey, we are splitting up. This is a really rough time and I’m not ready to talk about it now, but I

I find Scott super attractive in a completely sleazy way, although a blind item on cdan today seems to indicate that he gets so drunk that he pees the bed, so that killed my lady boner.

I’ve been in similar situations. It’s a weird balance between feeling violated and wanting agency, and I don’t think I’ll ever feel like I nailed it.

I had something similar happen, but after several years of flirting at work (and once I was legal), he invited me over to watch a movie. I knew it would be him and his roommate (also a co-worker, kind of a creep), so I brought a female friend. The joke was on the guys, though; plied with Miller Lite, I was excited to

I won over my partner’s grandma by making her a from-scratch German Chocolate Cake for her birthday. When my partner asked if the frosting was homemade, too, she gave him a killer side-eye and pronounced that no one would make a cake from scratch and then cover it in “tinny, store-bought frosting”. The look of

Bets on who found out she was fucking their husband? I’d say Melania, but at this point, she would probably be relieved.

...and my family wonders why I will never move back home.

I had a Tinder hookup accuse me of giving him herpes, and ran to my local PP to be tested. They told me that a blood test on an asymptomatic person is only 50% accurate, so they don’t do them. I was terrified and angry that there was no way to know without getting the sores. (Seriously, how is that even a test? It’s a

For me, it’s like a based-in-reality fairy tale. The bad guy does something bad, and the cops fix it. Even the cops who don’t believe the victim behave as though they do, and everyone tries to be compassionate. They listen to the victim and try to help her recover, all the while exhausting their resources to find and