Total Eclipse of Your Art

My parents took in our neighbor’s wife and kids when she left him because of his abuse. When he became involved with another woman, the first wife pleaded with her to just go to the courthouse and look at the photos of her bruises. Wife #2 declined; he was a changed man and she was smarter than his ex. Fast forward a

You can only have 2 sub accounts, and my other siblings already have them. Basically, I need to suck it up and pay for my own account like an adult.

Due to me being too cheap to pay for Amazon Prime and instead using my parents’ account, I now know waaaaaay too much about their sex life. The worst part is how often, when I’m tracking my order, I see a piece of lingerie that looks perfect and then realize that it’s for Mom... at least I know I won’t get more

Your niece is my dream child. Fantastic parenting!

My parents had the Kama Sutra... I was a precocious small child who thought the pictures were interesting and learned a LOT about what kings and concubines do, in addition to the fact that everyone’s genitals are some sort of animal.

I work with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and I love SVU, despite the fact that I am constantly screaming “THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!” It’s a weird sort of escapism, where the cops genuinely care and the DA fights for what’s actually right (most of the time). Also, the fact that they do everything

My last job had a handful of full-time employees, and we were all in each others’ business. I relied on them a lot as I ended my marriage and embarked on single life. They were mostly women in long-term relationships who begged for details about my hookups (I always made sure that the one woman who disapproved wasn’t

I hate that I have believed this whole time that she was skating on her looks and who she was willing to fuck because it makes me feel like a sexist piece of shit and a giant hypocrite. So now that I’m probably right, I wish I felt some sort of satisfaction. Its a damn hollow victory when it also undermines the

It reminds me of a segment of The Colbert Report in which they “interviewed” a bunch of openly gay couples and were disappointed they were doing “normal things” (getting groceries; having brunch) instead of “gay” things (attending leather daddy orgies).

I work in a call center. Last night, I spoke with an unhappy consumer who wanted to complain about the poor service she had received from 2 of our reps. She specifically asked if they were Millenials and was audibly shocked when I advised that myself and the guy who *actually* helped her were, and that the people she

The complete lack of attention to facts drives me crazy. The whole point of listening to a true crime podcast is to learn something you didn’t know before. I spent the whole time yelling out the actual facts and was super annoyed that I knew more off the top of my head than they did after researching.

This is why I prefer Generation Why. They know their shit and are super respectful of the victims and their families. They make it a point to call out slut-shaming when it happens and acknowledge how crazy it is that a woman’s guilt/innocence/culpability for her own murder. I tried MFM and was annoyed, even though I

I’m not proud that I know this, but it was actually a plotline for several episodes of the show early on.

So many women use this logic. It’s incredibly sad, how willing we are to discount our own suffering because someone else had something much worse happen. I can’t tell you how many times I have been sharing a random anecdote from school or church when I was a teenager and only realized how fucked up the situation was

I have never had someone who I initially had a visceral reaction to turn out to be a good person. They may not harm me (like the random guy in the grocery store who followed me aisle by aisle, but eventually gave up and left), but that’s the best-case scenario that I’ve encountered. Any time I have overrode those

That’s so frustrating. One of my good friends just married a man who has been divorced. She describes him as “broken in” and actually found the fact that he had been married and thus was capable of settling down to be one of his most attractive attributes. Hopefully you’ll find someone who feels the same!

Same. My now-boyfriend got mad at me twice before we were “official”. The first time, he went radio silent for 3 days. On the third day, I texted him that I hoped he respected me enough to give me an explanation (I had no idea what I did) and if not, it was nice knowing him. He explained, we apologized, and things

I may be biased, as I am divorced, but I am a way better partner because of my marriage. I got married young (23) and divorced after 5 years. I’ve been with my current partner for 2. I often joke that he gets me, version 2.0: “new, improved, and takes less bullshit”. I know what is important to me and what I can let

*hugs* Thank you.

I have had so many therapists tell me I need to allow myself to grieve for the woman I lost when I was raped. It’s been over a decade, and the grief comes out sporadically, often at completely random times. Lately, with the news full of #MeToo and a constant influx of men being unmasked, the near-constant triggering