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    Fantastic point. My wife moves our coffee table in the living room to the side 3-4 times a week to do her wii fit routine, or even her exercise dvd’s for that matter. I prefer a solution like SteamVR (HTC Vive is the first hardware for it) and their Lighthouse technology that scales, and allows you to turn 360 degrees

    I can attest, and so can others that have tried it that this IS the future of gaming and it is (almost) here. Try to find a place where you can try it, and you will be converted ;) It took a while, but technology is finally at a point where it is able to give a fantastic experience. Will the headsets a couple of

    I think if you actually tried it, you would not call it primitive... unfortunately it is not possible to get any inkling of how great this actually is unless you use it. I suggest you try to find a place that demos the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive (they are on a US tour now btw).

    Well, I’m not very social when I play GTA V on the pc at night either, so that aspect isn’t too crazy. I think the sad part is that most people won’t have a lot of space, so developers will mostly develop for the lowest common denominator. (Think when Blu-Ray came out (or rather just won against HDDVD) - it took a

    You should probably actually use it before guessing disorientation will be an issue. It actually works fantastically well. The wire won’t be an issue as long as it is sized for the space you use, and you won’t be walking into walls as a virtual grid will show up when you get close. The only issue at the moment is that

    Again, because they think it is a selling point compared to Oculus Rift, and developers are really excited about the opportunity. You can check out Elite Dangerous for instance, which actually uses regular flight controllers, sit down, and is working great on both Vive and Rift.

    I’m sure out here in Suburbia quite a few could fit the maximum or close to maximum experience for the Vive. I would guess at least having an extra bedroom around 12x12. I would repurpose my game room in the basement. Bye bye Air Hockey, and I will be set for 20 x 20. As others have mentioned, it is NOT necessary to