
As someone married to an Armenian born in Turkey I can tell you that the Armenians are Caucasian, possibly Greek, possibly Turkish, technically Asian, maybe Jewish, but most definitely will feed you until you explode and want to know when you will give your mother in law grandchildren it’s been years what is wrong is

Well, I know what I’m doing for MY 40th

Fellow New Yorker and haver of butt here - I go with a puffer to my knees - covers the butt, keeps me warm, does not look cool but see previous statement of ‘keeps me warm’. I have a cool leather jacket for chilly days that aren’t too cold, and when the fresh hell of commuting in January rolls in I too turn into a


Legit question - how inclusive do you think this will be of all naturalized citizens? If someone became naturalized say 20 years ago - are they looking at them, or just the people that came recently?

THIS. We will take Manafort down but he needs to be able to bring Lord Dampnut down with him.

Oh man this is excellent



This the best defense I have heard of the siren vote

I wouldn’t mind seeing the Doom of Valyria and what lead to it.

Right? Dorne is so great. Or maybe an alternate reality where they do the actual plotline from THE FREAKIN BOOKS. Sorry. I’m really mad about how they screwed up Dorne.

THANK YOU - that would be technically correct, the best kind of correct

I don’t know, the 90s were pretty good...

But think of the jumping power

I love David S Pumpkins. We are living in absurd times and an absurd sketch feels right.

It says THE valonquar - which if it’s another gender neutral pronoun like the prince/princess that was promised it could be little brother or little sister. Which could be:

Jamie Lannister killed the Night King, in the Riverlands, with his golden hand!

Ah! That book was great!