
If my parents sprung for an RC car like that, I probably wouldn't have doused it in gas, lit it on fire, and driven it off a ramp into a pond. Probably...

worth it...

What is the exchange rate from Google Bucks to Schrute bucks?

I assume you are referring to the billions of incontinent elderly people enjoying all that golden sun shine this time o year.

We'd be willing to sweeten the deal by tossing in Bermuda and either Trinidad or Tobago, but not both...


The unkempt doublewide; setting of choice for videos such as these.

One more.

I stand corrected. Loads of lust worthy cars from those decades.

I see no reason to go any older than the 88 M5.

Assuming you do own an M3, I would think you would be very familiar with the concept of depreciation.

touché salesman

That dude has cement fists.

As a 6MT equipped M5 (e39) driver: Yes, it can; but should it???

"Unlock This Car From The Outside With A Shoelace" is better.

You are missing the stream-it-to-all-my-toys part.

Awesome picture.

I don't see the dinosaurs.

Shit happens. Learn from it (this time) and move on.

uh, that would be Airfoil...