
Or you buy a Tesla and avoid having to deal with assholes... :-)

Those anti-Tesla posts are getting really annoying!

Still, slower than a Tesla...

How is 37,500 cheaper than 35,000 ?

I don’t think that “2020” qualifies as “soon”.

But the Paleo diet is exactly that. The definition of it is to eat anything that you can find in nature without having to grow or raise it and is edible without having to cook it. This study only confirms the Paleo diet.

My next car will be definitely a Tesla!

I’d be interested to know how many of SpaceX engineers are american and how many are from India. And Elon Musk is actually from South Africa and not american :)

Now is the time for someone from india to tell you to “go fuck yourself.”

The same argument is perfectly valid for the USA too.

It would be a total hit in ‘Murica Renault had called it a mobility scooter :D

They said the same about hybrids ...

There’s a lot of crap on Jalopnik lately....

Am I the only one who still sees the many practical benefits of electric cars?