
Jalopnik = s*it!

Jalopnik = shit!

Almost all electric cars are “mid-motor” since the heavy stuff (the battery) is usually in the middle.

jalopnik = shit

No, they are not...

reliability issues with the car’s bodywork, paint finish, trim fitment” - man, that unreliable paint finish.... /s

You are a racist!

Shitlopnik at it’s best! Musk never said “no matter how you drive”. Don’t spin it you retard dickwarts!

Fossil car makers have been talking so much crap about Tesla. They don’t deserve the Model 3 platform! They should just die and become a part of history!

Why Crossovers Are Winning - Because Americans are getting fatter :-D

Jalopnik = Shit!

I guess Gizmodo and Jalopnik will be mentioned quite often in Pravda ...

The Model 3 has a driver-facing camera! What do you think it is for? /s

BMW M5 ?

Oh look, another anti-Tesla article on Jalopnik. What a surprise...

If it’s not a Tesla no one will care.

When you care that much for the paint of your car, you are probably not rich! 

Gas Stations will die long before gas station TV does (finger to jalopnik)

jalopnik = horseshit!

jalopnik = HORSESHIT!