
She is trying desperately to become the next Ivanka.

Except if this woman walked away and chalked her swelling up to weight, she would have died. The doctor has the obigation to rule out other things before simply assuming it was weight-related. THAT’S malpractice.

It’s kinda ironic, though. Complaining that screen-watching is getting in the way of our screen watching.

“We cannot make a woman’s decisions because we don’t know her heart.”

I’m sure that most of these men were just walking along, minding their own business, probably on the way to church, when these evil prostitutes stepped out in front of them and hypnotized them into doing ungodly things in seedy motel rooms.

Why aren’t you guys just staying home and watching Netflix? Young people.

When I have a paper or an exam coming up, I end up having the cleanest apartment in America.

“But it’s life!” Yeah, so are the millions of sperm that a man releases on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis that aren’t in the pursuit of a pregnancy. All those half-fetuses lost! Why they aren’t in jail for this deliberate recklessness, I’ll never know.

True - if they wanted it spread quickly. The problem with those kinds of diseases, however, is that they kill people too quickly for it to spread very far. Now, introduce a disease that slowly incapacitates an entire population, you eventually wind up with a vulnerable country. I’m not saying that any government attemp

Can people stop insiting that the left wants things “for free”? No, we want things at a fair price. Healthcare costs are insane through the private market. I’d rather pay higher taxes for healthcare and save my premiums, insane deductibles, co-pays, and uncovered expenses that I’m currently paying. I don’t want to pay

Well I invented the “throw your socks under your bed until you run out” method and people are stealing that left and right, so cry me a river.

Sounds about right. No remaining soul left to squash.

There are tons of good reasons to not finish a meal that don’t have anything to do with the quality of the meal. One person my simply not be hungry but is accomodating their hungry dining partner. Someone may just have had weight loss surgery and can’t eat more than a few bites. Some may just not be in the mood for

I actually clean Thursday night, so that Friday is even more enjoyable.

Do right wingers even know what antifa stands for?

Seriously. If Roe v Wade comes close to being overturned, I think they severely underestimate the amount of women who will be in the streets protesting this.

I vote for Fyre Festival reboot!

And, of course, make sure you add the diesel fuel after the fire is lit.

I know, that would NOT go unnoticed by anyone.