This is racial profiling. I can not see any reason for the pat down...ticket the guy but really do you need to search him??
This is racial profiling. I can not see any reason for the pat down...ticket the guy but really do you need to search him??
I would take 20 AIP subs for the cost of one Burke....they would save Taiwan...that and they should buy from india about 1000 Brahmos and 1000 ground launched SM-2s....good luck to China invading...ditto Philippines and Japan
BS ALERT!!!!! Have you looked at the DEFICIT lately. Tax cuts are going to bankrupt the good ole US ofA.
We dont need super carriers in the atlantic. Europe’s coast is enitrely allied with us, expect for small bits of Russia. We dont need super carriers for Africa or the med.
France could have kicked the US but in WW2....the guy’s an idiot.
BS. Trump ain’t going that far. He is not a Pu$$y....
Russia can only go toe to toe with us in nukes. Russian militarily is a shadow of its past.
I think the Navy should field all advanced super hornets, drop the F-35c and use the Marines F-35Bs to do the F-35 role.
F-35 needs a better engine, more range, and software that will work. those get done, its a helluva Strike Fighter.
No. The point of any Cold War is that it does not go hot. You cannot have Cold War without parity. The US defends Japan. and Taiwan. China attacks either, US is in it. Strategically China is f’kd by various chokepoints in their shipping lanes and little access to oil without marine access.
The constitution does not protect them or any foreigner.
Mr Diaz, The world is not black and white. sometimes ugly things need to be done to keep the peace for the rest of us. I feel no guilt for those in Gitmo, but I was near the World Trade Center went we were attacked. I lost friends and saw people jump to their death to escape the fire these terrorists created.
Source of that story is the Kremlin by the way: its propoganda