I’ll give you a nickel to stop your terrible shitty writing forever and and shiny quarter to drink Drano. Go!
I’ll give you a nickel to stop your terrible shitty writing forever and and shiny quarter to drink Drano. Go!
Nah, you’re just being a cunt. So I wonder why woman lead the sexes in killing their own children, especially boys?
Gotta keep the unborn dead! They aint’ gonna kill themselves people! I need stem cells for my vaginal douche doncha know.
Aww, lookit that darling nig-nog dindu nuffin throwing gang signs! So innocent and full of purity! Someone surely made him gank up on meth and threaten a neighborhood with a knife. Must have been Trump. He’s mentally unstable, you see, and was likely having a mental breakdown because he just overloaded on chemicals…