Torsten Adair

Over the past decade, The number of Artist Alley tables has increased. (I can't find earlier show floor maps to analyze.)
The show floor has increased in size.
Artist Alley is at the front of Hall G. Out of the way, perhaps, but still in a prime location.
CCI also subsidizes those tables.

I thought Hollywood was their biggest income generator?
Isn't that what caused the huge increase in attendance? Not Stan Lee showing up, but Arnold Schwarzenegger?
What was the last comics panel to take place in Hall H?

It predates Twilight. Camping in Hall H started in 2006. (Hall H started in 2004, when attendance was 95K.)

Many intelligent people make stupid mistakes.
I'm also certain there are fields of study you would fail.
But I'll let others gatekeep….

There's also D23 in August. Three times the price of CCI, and Disney gets every dime. They don't need CCI, as they proved last October at the El Capitan theater. (How long did the buzz from that Batman in the rain clip last?) You can fight for airtime during CCI, or you wait and have the newscycle to yourself.

To everyone who keeps complaining about how Comic-Con has lost it's focus…

What? Sting performs live, on Broadway in front of Macy's, in his own show, and no one gives him any notice? Wow.