DigiKey, Mouser, Newark, etc.
DigiKey, Mouser, Newark, etc.
The Carbon Bubble:
Pro car thieves have been getting more and more advanced tech and the S class is worth enough it’s worth the time and effort to steal.
The eyesight models have different insurance rates than the non-eyesight models so they’re listed separately here.
Obviously if somebody wanted a jeep project this car would be a shit place to start if youre measuring success in how many dollars you spend.
I love this car, but it’s more than double!! the price of the new Outback I bought.
“wine has a low enough ABV that you can use the pressure cooker to infuse it with warm, wintry spices.”
I’m all for race tracks on private property...But that’s a mighty small plot to be having a track on.
Are there really truckers dumb enough to go through the Notch? I vacation up there and it’s tight in a normal car...
Why would Fort Bragg evacuate? It’s 100 miles inland...
Also, good luck finding any sort of Subaru in as decent of shape as this Merc for $4k. You would have to double that.
Sounds like a great way to turn your instant pot into a counter top pipe bomb. Alcohol vapor is extremely flammable. Cooking alcohol in an instant pot is Darwin award territory.
That...that was it? Seriously? A red light runner who wasn’t near anybody, a not even poorly done U-turn, and a dumb biker? Get some thicker skin man.
Software testing usually doesn’t involve killing people, but Uber’s really reaching for new lows here huh?
It also has lead in it.
Tesla is viewed (and valued) as a tech company by Wall Street not an auto manufacturer.
People try that in Boston. It doesn’t end well.
Calm down Mitt Romney