Car enthusiasts make a small fraction of people that use public roads and are not entitled to put everyone else that uses public roads at risk, not to mention break numerous laws, just to get their thrills.
Car enthusiasts make a small fraction of people that use public roads and are not entitled to put everyone else that uses public roads at risk, not to mention break numerous laws, just to get their thrills.
Posting this is so fucking disgusting and irresponsible. I will never visit this site again. You fucking morons. Bookmark deleted.
Can someone remind me when Jalopnik went from a cool car site into some pansy ass left wing skinny jeans blogger failure?
It seems half the articles and posters from here hate cars or anything to do with fun.
I’m glad the one worth watching is on broadcast TV.
I forget, are encouraging this type of behavior or encouraging? What is the current Jalopnik zeitgeist?
Clicks and money, obviously. Jalopnik only claims “speed kills” if they can also monetize it. They’d happily put up any contradictory piece if it makes them money. Hypocrisy is not a word with which they are familiar.
Quite a juxtaposition between this and the article about the 6 people killed by the person who was speeding. We’re giving this new “record” attention why?
So it’s OK for other countries to screw up nature in their own countries, and tell other countries to stop?
When you’re playing GTA and have 5 stars but accidently hit the cheat code to reset it to zero.
This is fine. If they keep making cars but no one is buying, then they’ll sit on lots like they did before the COVID era. I can’t be the only one longing for the days of packed dealership lots with a plethora of cars to choose from, at will with no waiting.
I still think they should call any upcoming EV sedan from Chevy the ChEVelle, then make the Buick version an Electra.
Under $4.20? This deserves a celebration!
Yeah, the way the headline reads, it would seem like all buyers had to sign the NDA, when in fact, it was less than 20, and they agreed to in exchange for compensation.
“It does seem like a pretty strange scheme to be involved in. “
The man charging after two cops with a knife in his hand is responsible for his own death.
Armed Robbery? I’m open to discussing that punishment. As seen here and by plenty of others who go on to commit escalating crimes. Armed Robbery is basically you saying you are willing to kill for the property.
For an armed robbery? Yeah, definitely. The definition of “unfit for society”.
Firstly, it’s sad when anyone is killed. And I feel bad for his family.
Any luxury car from the 70-90's with the plush pillow top seats, basically a living room couch shoved into a Lincoln or Cadillac.
Absolutely no one was armed. Her entire “testimony” was hearsay, unbelievable BS. Trump is 74 years old and the thought he reached for anything based on this nuts second hand account is frankly too absurd to take seriously. I cannot wait for the footage since there is a 100% chance there is. Lets see the president…