
From the build & buy on the Cadillac website, it looks like you would need to get the V Blackwing to have the 6 speed manual available.

Triumph 1963 TR3B for $700 Sold it for $10K

The car guys here all call them “Dumpster Trucks”.  Hideous POS!

I love how these old race cars were thought of as way too fast back in the day.  Looks like a blast to drive though

I’m unsure I believe the Cadillac numbers at 50%.  I know the manual take rate on the ATS-V was way less than that. Way closer to 20%

What a sick take on this. 

My biggest issue with sourcing parts for my old cars is the poor quality of the repro parts.  Mostly just crap compared to the OE.

While I applaud Jimmy Carter for a lot of things, mostly things he did after his presidency, I lived through the domestic economic devastation of his presidency.

dumbest post in the whole year?

new gas has ethanol which contains oxygen.  It can make more power but is usually only noticed in cars with turbos or super chargers

More likely, I can’t afford an EV unless Uncle Sam pays for 25% of it

So the same power as the upcoming Corvette ZR1 at 5 times the price?

The Sena install in a Shoei 1200 or 1400 takes about 10 minutes, including the pairing process. So, no or

I run BT and love it - but I still think I would be safer without it

EV heft

The package sounds promising but I would hold off on spending $80K on a Dodge!

I’m betting 2X the mass of the original XKE

Nice ride but I can only imagine the long term maintenance/repair costs would pay for another car.

Car blogs that are too lazy to actually review cars?
