The “Inlation Reduction Act” is quite the opposite of the name. It is a spending bill that will increase inflation.
The “Inlation Reduction Act” is quite the opposite of the name. It is a spending bill that will increase inflation.
AM radio is still the best long range communications to the masses. When you don’t have your smart phone connection to feed your addiction, terrestrial radio is still going. For people who don’t live in over populated areas where cell services is almost an afterthought, radio offers entertainment and news. AM…
I think they mainly raise prices in reaction to record inflation, fuel prices and labor compensation demands. This also causes the lease prices to go up.
You could build a nice solar array on your house for 1/4 of that money and then just get a couple normal EVs with the change
But AOC says EVs will save the environment?
Model 3 was promised as 30K and 300 mile range. Tesla took deposits but never delivered on the original promise. Elon is a shady guy IMO
AOC promised us much more...
$7K maybe...
$23K for a toyota pick up?
The mustang looks like they put Camaro rear fenders on it!
If the public really wants this, why do we have to subsidize it?
Not sure why we need another slideshow, but the car sold for $14.8M if you want to be accurate.
OMFG! are you all serious after all the shit Twitter has done in the past to promote the liberal BS?
Replace them with someone who want’s a job.
Oprah is a s sucky as the Kardashians
All of them
I grew up driving a 1961 MGA and a 1955 MGTF. I absolutely love this thing.
I would entertain a Cadillact ATS 2.0T manual. Amazing handling and nice driving car