
GM has been doing this for years. Washers in the wiper arm.

Stop putting corn in my gas!!!

Any word on whether motorcycles or ebikes are included?

The writing crew here is getting short on talent and content...

I wish there was an anti-star for your comment. Hopefully you really aren’t as selfish as the person who did this and risked everyone around them. Race on the track only. No excuses!

So irresponsible to post this!  Why encourage people like this?

They have always been pretty left here. Not sure I see the relevance to the article here though

Just think if this A-Hole had crashed and took needed resources away from the real health emergency at the time. Very selfish - like everyone who street races.

Agreed.  I used to love Nascar, but the ruling body kept playing with the format until, to me, it is unwatchable. 

No pedals! (from the photo :-))

There are several out there for less money, is this one that much better? How much does it weigh and how difficult to get home if you run the juice out. Is the battery removable so someone can charge in the office or appartment?

I’m looking into 3D printing. but I would never recommend mounting anything on the outside of your helmet in a potential impact area like the chin bar.  I wouldn’t want that mount to crack the chin bar and/or eat a go pro through the face shield. 

I like the Lyriq. Good size kind of cross over/wagon.

Not all teams have the problem to the extent that MB has.  I think the team should fix it, not changes for all teams

Its a war on the climate, not on women...

You need help!

All I was getting at was why do people automatically blame the police. If there is no evidence they did anything wrong, it must be a cover up?

And you need to move out of your parents basement already...

Keep on believing....

Do you feel better now?

And GM is required to report safety issues to the feds. 

It starts out with a dedicated drone - can only get worse from here....

you are a big part of the real problem