
Not sure he is a douchebag.  But yeah, he can afford a new one

With the Mask mandate lifted, I will finally feel comfortable flying again

Get over it already

How are you liking the LiveWire?  I’m thinking of adding one to my garage!

I would love this.  And the Snow Birds can stay the fuck away!

You’re welcome!

Why so many recycled stories? 

10,500 for that eye sore of a motorcycle?

I assume it’s a center drive shaft with chains to each pedal crank

I’m not sure what to think. To me, the stickers are kind of funny, and a bit true. But spraying them with something to make them hard to remove and then acting like an a-hole afterwards, well - I guess he got (and will continue getting) what he deserved!

You got it wrong in the title.  SEEi?

They were both fortunate for such good finishing positions due to retirements.  And the whole Q3 fiasco

I used to be good at this when I drove my Fiero (My daughter took care of that car!).  But now I have a car that has active rev matching and blips the throttle for me when I downshift.  I’ll have to take out my old Corvair and see if I can still remember how to do this.

Piece of trash!  Keep your emotions in check my friend.  I hope it was staged but it’s looking like Will is just garbage

but don’t be racist 

True enough. But the real question is Why.

I’ve owned several pre 1977 bikes, an even been pulled over for no headlight. I have to ask, what id the problem they were trying ti fix?

Congrats Brad! I’m finalizing a LiveWire purchase right now...

Biden’s constituents...

Congrats!  this is the most refined EV bike out there!

You may be wondering why you haven’t seen any of these in America and the answer is that we just didn’t get them.”