

So much this

I wasn’t aware that CA had Gucci fuel :-). It’s a good day, I learned something new!

We watched these types of videos in Driver’s Ed.  It did demand some respect for the dangers involved in driving. 

CA prices are higher because of the taxes and environmental fees.  The base cost should be similar to normal states.

PLenty of cars/trucks available for $5K. Good for a 1st car

Probably not as different as you think. I hope you can find a way out of the situation - it took me a while. 

Not really sure on what you mean.  Costing more does not imply that inflation will continue to get worse.

That says enough. You are having multiple interactions with police! 

Wow - you have a very strong opinion, based on other peoples interpretations

I’d like to hear you say that when you need their help.  This society is f’cked, so f’cked

Everything is costing more. Inflation is likely to get worse too.

Sounds like Antifa...

All Criminals Are Bad?

No, the cops are not wrong here. Sometimes being an A-Hole has consequences. This D-Bag needs to grow up.

Spirit and Fontier, the trailer parks of the skies

Like when groups took over government buildings and blocked off roads in Portland/Seattle? 

So many missing key words

Sticking with Spotify here. I don’t mind that they don’t censor their platform. And it seems to work well for me

Did you have the same sentiment when protesters took over US cities and government buildings?