It’s the fucking Kardashians! They made their fame on whoring out the oldest daughter. WTF are we still even talking about these cum dumpsters?
It’s the fucking Kardashians! They made their fame on whoring out the oldest daughter. WTF are we still even talking about these cum dumpsters?
So sad. met the man once. A really great guy. They don’t make them like this anymore!
So people will pay for weight? Really? $73 for weight? Can’t we just go out and move some fucking rocks? And then we need to ship the weights. America!
So people will pay for weight? Really? $73 for weight? Can’t we just go out and move some fucking rocks? And…
I think ‘Popular’ depends on your views...
Reality : You were not buying these cars because you can’t afford them
Less Mustangs on the road means a happier planet
So you are really blaming this on the police?
Please direct this towards the a$$holes that stole a car, decided to run from the cops at, assumed, illegal speeds and ignoring traffic laws. Not the police who were trying to stop them from doing exactly that. This is NOT a police problem, it is a criminal problem. WTF is wrong with some people’s children?
It would be safer if the criminals only had slow cars.
I think the real solution is to provide the police with a method to disable/reduce power of cars when criminals decide to endanger the public by speeding away.
Different times though. Schumi started out in an inferiroer car. Lews has spent a decace in a dominant car, and only managed a 70% success rate. He’s a good driver, but there are several on the grid hat can do the same thing...
So, have you collectively decided to stop reporting on cars and only inquire readers so you can start slideshows?
Go Red Bull! Lewis is the most overated driver in the modern era. He’s lucky that he has had obedient team mates.
“On September 20, 2021, the JPSO Communications Center received a 911 emergency call from a third-party witness reporting that a large crowd of approximately 25 people were fighting in front of an apartment complex in the 500 block of Richard Avenue. The caller further stated that the subjects were hitting each…
Should everyone feel sorry for you? Or can you go and work for what you want?
So, are trying as hard as we can to find things that offend us? Is that healthy?
Really?! Nonsense
Your views are so fucking twisted. Not totally untrue but - shit really?
1. turn on your TV
I drove one once. Kind of disappointing. The car screams for more power. Handling is pretty good, but needs more power for corner exit. And the metal was so thin, a fly could dent it!