
Before rolling the tape thought to myself...

Wow, you drove a Model A for 2 years as your daily driver! That is so cool. I know the Model T gets so much attention for being the “1st affordable” mass produced car, still its a hell of a lot more work driving one.

If you haven’t already, check out Jalop in UP drove a Model A 365 days a year (or tried to), just a few years ago and kept a daily blog journal. Pretty interesting read to virtually follow along

Wow, how much are docking fees at the local marina? :-)

Steph, if they want to make the generators “greener” why not have them do their start up & shut down period on 100% biodiesel? Running a Diesel engine on Biodiesel is 90% cleaner than running it on petroleum Diesel.

Yes. Mine is a 98' so nearly 20 yrs. old.

Really? I must have a unicorn of a TDI then, b/c in the 12 years I’ve owned it in regular commuting (22.5 miles 1 way) I average between 47-50 mpg, as measured by full tank average.

Interesting piece Kristen.

Great detailed write up Peter!

Good for them! For those that are naysayers, battery tech. has steadily been improving about 14% year over year.

Fitting image of David (wistling) while working with his Willy’s

No shit? Honestly that was my 1st thought just on seeing your post title.

Exactly! I have an MG B GT that has been in my family since 1985*. My father used to drive it daily Spring thru Fall (garaged in the winter). It always started and always ran just fine.

That’s a good idea

Not to mention (electric bus maker) Proterra has been Killing it too!

There’s only two ol’ boys in all the county... that can pull that jump off successfully...

Watch “Two Days in the Valley” she has a fun fight scene in that too

“Larry” question at the end, basically pointing out Waltrip was a grid filler* was the better burn

Toyota Sera