
He was so damn good. He was in the best Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie -he elevated what is always a (very clever) B movie plot. And - amazing in Klute, in M*A*S*H, in Ordinary People... just in everything. I’m sure, as with any working actor, some of his jobs were for the paycheck only, but you couldn’t prove

RIP. Random roles for which I will remember him:

I’m glad Kiefer and Donald got to work on something together. And 88 is a great run.

He played a terrific recurring character named Bear Claw on the show New Girl. Other than that, I got nothin.

I hope he gets his wish. Hooks crossed.

There’s a brilliant bit in the interactive UKS where Kimmy is talking to the Reverend in prison and, for reasons I can’t remember, he starts mocking New Yorkers’ snobbery over non-NYC bagels. I think I need to have another explore of that.


I disagree - I think he’s hilarious and should focus on comedy. Hell, he even manages to make a kidnapper-rapist funny in Kimmy Schmidt.

I think it helps when you’re in a position like Radcliffe, where he’ll have that Potter money rolling in probably til the day he dies.  Not saying that Hamm’s out there still in his “starving actor” stage, but I’m just saying definite financial stability definitely gives you the luxury to really get weird with your

They actually starred together in A Young Doctor’s Notebook, with Jon playing the older version of Daniel’s character.

He was absolutely a loudmouth well before he got in to politics. He lashed out pretty viciously at Rosie O’Donnell in the mid-2000s when she publicly questioned on The View how wealthy he actually was and he said some miserable things about her.

Good for him, kind of reminds me of what Daniel Radcliffe did after the Harry Potter movies, he just went off and took any weird odd role that suited his fancy at the time.

I’ve heard the phrase “Character actor stuck in a leading man’s body” a few times, usually for people like Colin Farrel, but Jon Hamm has always hit me as a great example. He wants nothing more than to be in 5-10 weird and interesting projects a year but his face is made for being the lead actor in bland


Unpopular opinion: Much like the Star Wars franchise, itself, Spaceballs isn’t that great, overall, but it’s benefited from nostalgia as its primary audience first watched it when they were teens or younger. It features some gifted comedians and has a few good gags, but most of it plays like a bad SNL parody, and it

Shoot, we knew about him in the suburbs of Lawn Guyland. And yet now he’s absolutely beloved in the redder parts of said Island. It’s crazy because I remember when everyone out here hated him. And now I get to see Trump flags, yard signs and what not everywhere. 

I remember being really annoyed with my friends when I first watched it because I was getting so into it, and they started interrupting because they didn’t care for the songs. Now I just return to it on my own from time to time because it remains such a good experience. 

Wait people didn’t like this film? I fucking loved it when it came out.

I loved this movie and saw it with people who hated it, which is why I saw it again in theaters another couple times by my damn self. I still get chills when Dana Fuchs launches into “Helter Skelter”, she could knock a building down with that voice.