
I don’t much mind the nepo baby thing or the debate around it. But when I hear/see the term, Emma Roberts is exactly the type of person that comes to mind. I’ve seen her in a few things and she’s...not good. It’s pretty clear she gets work because of her connections, not her talent. Now there’s been others like her

What is funny about all this is that it ignores the fact that it’s quite common for people to go into the “family” business. Sure some people have ambition to not do what their parents do but for many it just makes sense to do the same job.

She was also arrested for domestic violence. If it weren’t for nepotism and whatever blackmail material she has on Ryan Murphy, she wouldn’t be working at all.

Who can forget the enormous power Rosemary Clooney wielded in 1980's Hollywood when George Clooney got his start? Studio executives cowered in fear that she might sic Danny Kaye on them.

i’m pretty sure that Julia is the nepo component in that equation too.

Probably minority opinion: The nepo baby issue is overrated. The last name gets you the interview, you get yourself the job. And she’s absolutely right that the expectations are higher.

There aren’t a lot of shows where the weakest episode is still better TV than almost anything else on contemporaneously but this show pulled it off. Carrie Coon is amazing and this for me is the best thing Eccleston has ever done. The finale wrecked me & I still think about it often.

He’s a narcissist.  He only cares about himself, and will only be contrite if it is to his benefit, and even then, it will never be sincere, because he truly doesn’t believe he did anything wrong.

I don’t disagree, but this has nothing to do with the Catholic Church.  

I don’t get what the appeal of the dude is - as a human

“Republican, but I want to smoke pot." 

I find most people in the US who describe themselves as “libertarian” basically mean “Republican, but not willing to admit it” 

Remind me why this guy gets to come back when Armie Hammer--who was never charged, let alone convicted of something--is selling timeshares? Is it a complexion issue, or it more complicated than that?

Bill has gone the route of so many before him who turn into right wing assholes when they get old and won’t admit it.

Martin Short is a goddamn Canadian National Treasure

Is that supposed to be a hard question to answer?

Honestly, I’m glad he’s out of the MCU. I don’t get what the appeal of the dude is - as an actor. He’s obviously an awful person but I can’t see why he was getting raves for his performances. Fussy, pretentious, indulgent, with zero charisma. But I seem to be in the minority. What am I missing?

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Maher really does some some interesting guests on occasionally but him being in the same room asking the questions was enough to finally drive me away from his HBO show in..2017-ish? I don’t really remember but it made me angry enough at the TV that I had to quit watching it.

He’s not on your side and he’s certainly not on liberals’ side. He’s one of the chief anti-vaxxers who can’t stop showering Netanyahu with praise, vehemently hates Muslims, supports restricting immigration, and stacks his panels with discredited right wingers. He’s a hack who has been making the exact same three

He seems very disingenuous to me. Everything from his defense attorney’s pre-trial shenanigans, to breaking up that fight, to dating Meagan Good feels very calculated and manufactured. That’s certainly not unique to him (Tom Cruise has had a very controlled public image for decades), but Majors is too young and too