
Solution: CCW

Death sentence sounds fitting for this man.

Personally, three scenarios.

See the comment I made.

Obviously, you are not familiar with Kobayashi's work. I have most of his early work. And I am a big fan of the original manga series this animation is loosely based on.

Who said anything about it being illegal already? The point is that the fight against drug traficking and especially fending off illegal aliens is not done enough.

It is relevant because the success of such franchise will impact the future game tie in projects.

Few posts down about how Konami is ripping off Level 5... and now Square Enix...

Wow... I am not interested in any of the games. I am sure the new Nintendogs/cats will push the initial sales.

Too bad the movie bombed...


why can't I attach an image?

I'm just saying...

You got the wrong cover art. Here is the one for the Chinese market.

you forgot new Club Nintendo rewards!

Hm... Sad news... They've been putting out some interesting games lately..

Hm... It's not as realistic military action as I was hoping... Especially considering how long this was in production... I think Kobayashi's mangas are a lot better...

Function over form? Really? I think people are putting on rainbow colored glasses when it comes to 3DS for some reason.

Google and Sony could not afford a proper surgery cost and a legit doctor to make this happen?

did i just read zombies and Transformers in the same sentence?