
@d4rk-h4x0rer: They politicized embryo stem cells so much during last debate. But most of medical break throughs involve adult stem cells.

Peck your beak!

@TheEmpires: No, Wii did not do that. They actually made money with their hardwares.

@CaptMonkey: I think my point is that those two factors are biggest prob for Sony.

@NoMoreTrolls: It's been always like that with every hardware launch. Wii is the first system that did not sell at a losing price.

I must admit that I am drawn to Sony's machine as far as hardware is concerned. But I have a feeling that 3DS will provide more gaming experience.

GPS is confirmed. Great!

There is only one "Next-Gen"

@Torokun: Hm... Kinda surprised to not see the front facing camera...

Looks like a great hardware as usual from Sony.

Become a politician and come up with a law to ban used game copy sales.

When California is essentially bankrupt and going down the toilet, this is where you spend your time and energy?

So... they are suspecting a female suicide bomber (no group is claiming for being responsible for the bombing at this time... most likely Chechens are behind it...) is the one who blew up the bomb in the middle of the cafe in the airport.

@Dennen: You haven't seen competitive GT racers riding the wall... have you?

Very worthy choice.

This is a bit puzzling to me as well...