
So four different women just randomly decided to accuse the 70's Show guy of rape for lolz?

We live in the USA where you’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

Is this a bit?


Are you a Scientologist, a sex pest, or both?

This is perfect. More stars.

If you do great at interviewing, you can make more money, eh?

What about the poor paparazzi and bloggers and news reporters and trinket sellers that earn their meager living off covering this event. Think of the leeches!

This is really anything but shocking and happens everywhere. Canada tried to shift its homeless to a whole other province during the 2010 Olympics. And we’re supposed to be the good guys.

Insert clip from The Princess Bride: Clear out the thieves’ forest!

Now playing

This comes to mind. It nails the obscene nonsense of the very concept of royalty.

The right answer comes courtesy of Murphy James:

if you care one iota about the royal family, you’re a milquetoast idiot who is probably also fascinated by shiny things.

Or perhaps they could have the homeless freeze-dried and then ground into a fine powder that can be formed into Limited Edition ornamental Royal Wedding Christmas ornaments.

Al he’s gotta do is answer “I’m sorry, who? Matt? Ladder? Larder? No? Lauer. Lauer, right? OK. I don’t believe anyone by that name works here, sir. Goodbye.”

Can they be forwarded to me? I’d love to respond to them as if I’m CBS, it’ll be like professional cat fishing.

Cooke comments are merely continuing the tradition of honor, respect and pride synonymous with the Redskins name.

Agreed except I hate to think there’s some sweet Kenneth the NBC Page who has Matt Lauer’s bullshit foisted on him.

Girrl, I’m only two years older than him and I’d ride him nine ways to Sunday. Now that I got that creepiness out of the way, I like him the most out of the trio. Joe is okay, Nick is fine and the other is a potato that appears to be a mama’s boy which isn’t attractive. Nick seems to be thoughtful and observant. I

Nick Jonas is very much into older women and I am very much into Nick Jonas.

Shit like this is why I’m so glad to come to this site everyday.