
Oh wait. Is the video LaGrange?

This is badass. Nanny state? There's no nanny state in this town. Motherfuckers need to watch out for the goddamn train! Nobody is going to hold your hand, bitches, look left, look right, make sure THE TRAIN IS NOT GOING TO HIT YOU. I like how all the cars streak across with the train in full view. The light

Hey Manhattan. Remember me? I'm the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Oh that poor kid. At least he'll know he was loved.

Too be frank, you're weiner seems a little fast moving for much enjoyment.

UMP, a catholic right wing party. More like CHUMP.

I think that sobbing picture is from an episode where she was told her big dumb face wasn't on the cover of any magazines that week.

Ryan Braun has been positively Armstrongian in his slippery denials. Blaming the pee pee collector for mishandling his sample, the big whiner. It will be nice to see him sit.

Al Roker skips over Indiana in every weather forecast, but Ohio and Illinois can SUCK IT when it comes to waffle house and IHOP. We got both, bitches, without even using a quarter tank of gas to get from one to another. From glory comes fatness.