mohammed sarker

get rid of the specialists, Battlefield was all about having a balanced class system and being an anonymous, this fortnite type of crap has no place in a Battlefield title

I trust a japanese firm that hasn’t done much (to my awareness) to be more awful than your standard multinational under capitalism than I would an entity known to cooperate with an authoritarian state. It’s a matter of degrees of seperation, really

look I’m a left-winger too but this is a ridiculous argument, inflation is a matter of expectations along with present reality, changing prices costs money and time, companies cannot afford to wait for prices to go into the red before increasing to keep up with inflation, if there’s say, two years of X% they need to

ok but Nintendo could at least make a QR code or something that you can send to people that lets u mutually friend them. Friend codes are a pain 

using Persona 5 is a not so amazing example, for one it’s literally one game that’s an outlier and i’d argue this is due to a very accessible combat system that’s super fast, flashy and snappy along with being very streamlined compared to previous Persona games. It’s the JRPG people who hate JRPGs like

FF7R sold like hot cakes. Action RPGs sell better most of the time, and considering the anemic japanese console market, catering to western fans seems to make the most sense 

Persona 5's combat system is super fast rock paper scissors gameplay where u just tag the enemy with their weakness negotiate/all out attack and rinse and repeat, it is NOTHING like the ATB system besides both having turns and mana bars

I disagree with you wholeheartedly, while I’m playing FF7 OG for the first time and mostly enjoying the turn based combat, I would much rather play an action RPG a la Kingdom Hearts or FF7 Remake over more turn based game (as much as I love persona 5) anyday 

Otoh, its prety reasonable to want a DND movie to be faithful to the source material’s spirit. Imo they should’ve gotten critical role to do a 2 hour premiere on a hollywood budget

problem is when they ruin games you’d otherwise like. Hades is objectively a well designed game that was definitely tailored to people who bounced off roguelikes but having to replay bosses and levels to fight Hades got too tedious for me, even with the excellent combat, story, production values. I wish they had a

speak for yourself, everytime someone does NYC it is ONLY Manhattan. As a native New Yorker being able to (roughly) find your outerborough neighborhood in GTA 4 is an experience no other game can provide. We need a next-gen NYC game that gives us not just Manhattan, but the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens and Staten Island

The fact that this has escalated to this point os horrible but I think the blame here should be the relevant news media outlets that failed to do their due diligence on research, not some edgelords on the internet, internets gonna internet. To really boil it down: the difference between a shit poster on 4chan and a

Metal Gear Solid 4

the problem is that Nintendo never puts their products on sale, it’s lame even for old ass games

The fact that this whole thread has exploded over some baby crying over someone saying the game was just fine is reason enough to enjoy shitting on your fun. What kinda loser cries this easily 

no one played mario for the story. Kingdom Hearts once had a story people actually cared about ... wayyy back when the first two games were out 

the storage is embarrassingly too low, i have a 2TB internal and a 2TB external on my PS4 na dit’s almost full, having less than 1TB to play with without dropping a good amount of money to upgrade to a measly 2TB is reason enough to wait on the PS5. Deathloop looks cool, but i don’t see anythign screaming “killer app”

because that’s bad game design, hell the whole POINT of game design is for the developers to create the means with which players will be able to make their fun, the toys in the toybox, so to speak. Most people inevitably go for the path of least resistance, because self-imposed limits aren’t fun, what’s fun is a

I hate that we have this for phones, for Iphone it barely feels like all that has changed on a model per model basis recently 

that’s why Unions have elections