mohammed sarker

thank you for bringing the Japanese 1919 proposal to light. As an American who thought themselves to be well versed in history, I never knew of this. You just taught someone something new.

Man, why’d they gotta put in specialists, I just wanted more BF4 with 128 players 

meh? I love Naughty Dog games and Sony’s exclusive lineup. To each their own, but I’m definitely within their target demographic then, indie games bore me personally. 

GTA 3 is NOTHING like GTA 2. It’s called evolution. None of us are advocating for throwing everything out, it’s called moving forward.

new guns and locals isn’t enough, you need mechanical improvements or story improvements or whatever. If you don’t care, that’s fine, glad you’re happy, but the number of people unhappy is only ticking upwards with yet another ubisoft game. Trust me, I was in your shoes, wback in 2014 playing Far Cry 4, not

yeah but you can still have completely different styles of turn based combat, FF has its own set of issues but being the same isn’t one of them

dude most of the ubisoft critics were people who formerly liked the formula, I put 120 hours into Far Cry 4 and LOVED Black Flag, but today none of their current offerings interest me because of the lack of changes or ones I didn’t want (in AC’s case.) Sure don’t fix what’s not broken, but that doesn’t mean change

oh come now, no one has issue with “running around shooting things.” The issue is what other elements are in the mix and their consistent writing and story issues, and Ubisoft’s neverending quest to turn make as many diverse types of games as possible feel samey and bland. You’re being reductive.  

as a left-wing guy, I agree. I’m all for playing games with right wing themes just make it fun and interesting and reasonably intelligent and I’ll play ball.

adding onto what Jadex22's saying, as someone who likes anime, I’ll be the first to admit that many anime fans really don’t do their hobby any favors in their ... let’s just say public presentation. I can definitely understand how offputting it can feel for someone who’s not into it to try to dip their toe in,

it feels too slow

no, but considering the costs many of them have to entering on most days and just the general class fixture of who can afford or want to pay museum memberships, it probably skews white lol. 

Armchair sociology aside, do we even NEED a Indiana Jones game? If you want exploring and stealing ancietn treasure there’s this franchise called Uncharted and another one called Tomb Raider, both with good reviews and many moderate mength sequels that I feel like should be enough to satiate your interest for a while.

I’d argue the fact that Witcher is about GERALT and not your own made character is a strength of it that made me uniquely like it but besides that mostly agree

Western RPGs easily, more interesting themes and worlds and internal logic that doesn’t break my ability to suspend my disbelief. If it isn’t persona 5, it’s gonna give me cringe. I like anime and all, but the sheer over the topness of most JRPGs give me a headache

can ur friend not just get a refurbished PS4? Unless you’re selling at a MASSIVE discount, they surely could save us 200 or so and just get their own console, no/

just seems really dumb imo, especially considering how compact the ps4 is 

welll.... wages have also been stalling behind inflation, and it’s a freaking recession at the moment. 400 bucks is NOT a trivial amount of money, and 500-600n even less so. Not sure why you’re so upset lol, they clearly seem to think the price is still worth selling at

sure, and like I get the impulse to defend as well. If I “invested” as much money as some of these people seem to have done I’d probably be chugging that kool aid as well, it’s just sad at this point cus the base concept is so amazing 

Ok but the lack of transprency is rather concerning don’t you think? Like their recent monetization seems to be to promise new ships or whatever for those who pays to fund development but then they have to put time and effort into readying such promised features which only perpetuates the endless hamster wheel of