
IIt’s not anything that would pay off until book 7, but, keep in mind Bloodraven is a Targaryen loyalist.

Dropping Bloodraven’s story is probably one of the easiest things to cut on the show to streamline the conflict with the others.

SSo maybe I’ll end up on the wrong side of this, but, is this that bad?

This makes it feel like it might be a good time for a Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies re-watch.

Personal Opinion: go on listening if it’s stuff you already own.

He had no problem going on stage at the Emmys and receiving the award with them for S7, im sure as hell sure that's not the reason.

Or even, as a show watcher when I think of Starks, I think of the Green and brown that Ned wears and that Jon wears in S6. 

It bothers me that the Stark sneakers are nice but absolutely not the Stark colors. 

A) the attached video lacks the Reins of Castamere which ruins have of the humor.

So the cable channel reduction apocalypse has to happen sooner than later, right?

Id generally agree to you on the big songs. I think artists would be foolish to do “Hey Jude” or “Something”.

With two Beatles left and both them being very much up on the years, would be cool if someone could make "Your Mother Should Know" a modern hit and kind of bring it full circle.

I watched one of the shows they got from somewhere else.

Ahh Farscape.

So I assume R. Kelly is curry on a jet to a non extraditing country?

Moira Kelly is a pretty accomplished well if not, at least perennially active actor so I don’t think that’s necessarily the problem though I could be wrong.

They never had a place for Mandy.

My first thought is usually "Dumbo" being a feature at 64 minutes. 

While I still won’t buy that each episode is closer to 90 minutes, I think that’s nonsense speculation started by fans who don’t understand what “feature length” means.

Adding The 1975 planning to drop *Notes on a Conditional Form*.