
TLDR: All those things you want in a garage but don’t have the money or space? You should get them.

Cheap to buy though, I bought a set from

Section of highway 5 in Gatineau Quebec that is a 4 lane divided highway is 70kph (43mph) and when it comes over the bridge in Ontario it goes to 30kph!!! (18mph) Cops do well here.

I’ve never seen one that wasn’t parked with the roof in this exact position.

I think this says a lot more about the people who own each of the cars rather than the cars themselves. Toyota owners, and the fleet owners of chevy trucks might be a lot more careful with regular maintenance and how they drive.

As a new car, you’re probably right. The few that I have driven, however, are brutally boring. I built a very cheap 1985 Regal coupe with junkyard parts, some 17” wheels, a mild 350 V8 and a T56 from a Camaro. It even has modern amenities like bluetooth, A/C, power windows, in-dash GPS, etc. In my books that regal

The jack from your mom's '89 Sentra won't necessarily lift your '72 Ford Torino.

Just because the tire holds air, doesn't mean you should drive on it.

Always wear eye protection under a rusty car.

Automotive fluids taste terrible and sting your eyes.

Another one was to make sure you're not on a hill the first time you try to fix the brakes.

Oh I'm sure I learned hundreds of lessons on my first project car. The one that immediately comes to mind is to not put your face over the carb when trying to start the engine you just rebuilt for the first time.

I believe the Flex Platinum is the car you are looking for.

My mailbox is sitting on a camshaft welded to a crankshaft as the post. Very strong and looks awesome.

That's the whole reason I got my $80,000 truck for $20,000 at just 2 years old. It sat on the lot as I watched the price drop for 6 months while all the 4-door trucks were sold before they even went on the lot.

Waist Stash Wallet? I think you mean fanny pack.

Why is it so tall? 1973 Cadillac Fleetwood is 20ft 10in long, and the 2016 CTS is 16ft 5in, but they are the same height! It just looks wrong.

But I'm getting 22mpg in my 2012 4x4 F350... How are these number so bad?

The automotive book. I always get some book with information (often incorrect) and pictures that can be found online in seconds. Usually about mustangs, just because I've owned 9 of them doesn't mean I want a humongous brick full of pictures of mustangs that aren't mine.