you pretty much nailed it. now watch as the soccer fans take offense to your truth-telling. they’re allergic to being told how irrelevant their sport is here in the states.
you pretty much nailed it. now watch as the soccer fans take offense to your truth-telling. they’re allergic to being told how irrelevant their sport is here in the states.
soccer isn’t even the fifteenth most popular sport in the states. people would rather watching a turtle try to cross the street than watch soccer.
i’d rather watch 10 hours of baseball straight than 10 minutes of boring, soul-crushing, coma-inducing soccer.
people actually give a shit about hockey in the states. it’s a sport that is 100% north american. NO ONE outside of hipster douchebag losers like you cares about boring eurotrash un-American soccer.
and? francesa is right. soccer blows. it’s for eurotrash commie blowhards and hipster douchebags. soccer = 100% un-American. try watching football, basketball, baseball, and hockey, you lame soccer-loving losers.