
Because he’s propped up as a Progressive savior while being regressive in his idealogy on social matters. His economic view point falls into the category of “if we solve this problem, everyone’s problems go away” and seems incapable or unwilling to admit that race and class aren’t the same thing.


Racists find it denigrating (which was what Republicans wanted when they came up with the term) but Democrats (and Obama himself) are fine with Obama’s name being on one of the biggest achievements in American Healthcare.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.


Like how now that we have a drug epidemic that affects white people we’re not just throwing users in jail?

Becky and Chad woke up one morning with slightly higher insurance premiums and college debt and decided WE NEED TO FIX THIS SHIT RIGHT.

Trump’s election finally got me into serious activism (first time post-college). I started showing up, keeping a low profile, and listening more than I talked. I wanted to defer to the people in charge because, y’know, clearly they had more experience than me.

We need this. This strain of shit going through through a vein of the party now needs to be destroyed. You want to talk about real “economic anxiety?” Then start speaking to those it affects the absolute most. Anyone who uses the term “identity politics” as a slur ain’t a Democrat and they sure as hell ain’t a

Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an