Classic Rando

Preach. Called it a day with new battery powered chainsaw when it began sprinkling. 

Borrowed it back then for an evening with my now wife.”

35,000 what, ANTS?”

The Lobo is a Lobo is a Lobo.”

No mention of this necessary upgrade so far....

The pics don’t do it justice. Saw one 2 weeks ago and it is stunning in person  

Plus the Silverado drives better than Ford and Ram. Rented all 3 last year and Chevy was clear winner in fit, finish, power, quiet, great on highway and gravel. Ford 2nd l, dodge 3rd.

The roads in Montana and Wyoming can shut down in the winter and there’s very very long tracks of uninhabited land.”

even if only for one last hurrah”cane

The locking system even had a funny nickname, at least in European markets: plip, for the act of clicking the little fob, which was called a plipper, named for Paul Lipschultz, the inventor of the system.”

The Fuego was a great-looking car, I always thought, and even if it wasn’t terribly engaging to drive, this is an extremely significant first to have under its black plastic, ribbed belt.”

Ill donate a dollar if you put a Bronco badge on it.”

You found your home!

I wish more of these stories would include a map or blueprint for the people who do test positive.”

If you’re put off by the idea of dead zombie gangsters and a massive animated alligator...”

He’s always “Bill Paxton”.’

I’ve taken a few trips on Sundays (back when blue laws were in effect) to get across NC line to buy beer. That is a windy and steep interstate. 

I trekked from upstate SC to WNC”

No way in hell that ad is real (pun intended).”

catholic who failed latin”