
“Sheer malice? I don’t buy it, making a rape allegation is traumatic, no one would do it just because “I hate that guy.””

I don’t know, I do agree with the gop gop gop remark.

So false rape allegations are really men’s fault. I like what you did there; honestly, classic stuff.

Activists over the last few years have created a parallel system for rape adjudication on college campuses. They’ve lowered the standard of proof, stripped accused men of their right to counsel and shielded victims from questions that they might find “triggering.” This has resulted in highly publicized cases in which

But then we run into the problem that so many rape accusations can never be fully determined by the legal system if only two people(victim and victimizer) were present for the crime. It’s rare that we know a rape accusation was false or if it just couldn’t be prosecuted. I think the Emma Sulkowicz ordeal is a good

Eh? No. Nice try. In a male dominated society ( like western, eastern and african) women are not believed. Gop, gop, gop.

MRAs can’t talk about them enough; many cite a false allegation as their “red pill” moment that opened their eyes to how evil feminists are. Feminists are much more uncomfortable with the topic.

Eagerly awaiting all the people with poor reading comprehension who will see that Jezebel posted an essay on false allegations and immediately assume we are arguing that they are unimportant/nonexistent (despite this entire essay being written to say the opposite)—but I mainly came down here to say that I thoroughly

I’ll play devils advocate for moment.

Good for you. Is it lonely up there?

Sorry gang.

“Five of its stronger programs”

Ideal situation- KC makes it to the world series again and meets the cardinals.

I am rich. I spend my weekends in my luxury box (ice fishing shed) observing the greatest athletic events (drunk Uncle Ralph unsuccessfully ice fishing) while sampling the finest cheeses (eating Kraft singles). That’s why I drink the champagne of beers.

Where exactly are you walking to Kauffman Stadium from?

It is. Now go clean your fucking room.

As a Royals fan, this is damn good news. Honestly, I was worried the Royals management was too cheap to pay for more good players, but I guess I was wrong.

Same here. I’m also #DownWithOPP

Why is it an either/or question. If someone brings up the problem is violence within African American communities then somehow they are completely whitewashing the Black Live Matter concept. Both actually matter and should be important and bringing up one should not be seen as a assault on the other.

Black people cannot criticize other black people on a Gawker-related blog.