
Don’t call your book dumb, man. The world is full of people ready to criticize you - don’t join their ranks. You’ve already done something that a lot of people want, but fail, to do.

Tom Brady’s heel turn is now complete.

That is the hair and trash ‘stache of a man who simply does not give a fuck.

I don’t know, I spend at least 15 minutes a day being grateful for not living on the east coast....

Stage lights are numerous and hot. Standing for 3 hours. Trump likely on meth.

Ah yes, the entirely substantive “Hope and Change” was in no way pandering.

Baseball’s nuclear football, if you will.

Get back to Flag, Miscavige.

I had no idea baby giraffes could rap.

Welcome to the wonderful world of identity politics, where its always a race to the bottom.

Agree - a guy that’s taken as many steroids as Pujols during his career should not be fucked with.

All three of you in this thread are goddamn weirdos. I am sock-shaming you without remorse.