
Good ole Travis. That guy is certainly a heck of a prankster.

Whelp. Got me new favorite player.

And here's the problem with the line of reasoning in your first sentence. No dumbasses on the internet are ASKING anyone to care about my fandom/team, nor would I expect them to. But for Christ knows what reason, some dumbasses on the internet (to wit: you) ARE asking me to care about Lakers fans, which is fucking

This was very funny. What's funnier is the Lakers fans trying to figure out why you might have an irrational beef with Kobe or LA, because there's no other reason for you to be writing an article critical of them.

I can play the didgeridoo. Top that asshole, or stop commenting on the internet about stuff.

TIL: you'll have an easier time becoming a spy for MI6 than becoming a goddamn London cabbie.

You assume GPS is an infallible system.

He attempted to get the court to refer to him by his birth name because "War Machine" sounds too aggressive but the judge said no. Can't have it both ways, asshole.

No. Just, no. My head exploded just reading what it is. If I sat down to take that test, I'd spontaneously vaporize into a cloud of pink mist. Props to those who pass.

I'm sorry to all of my loved ones and supporters, this ordeal has just been hell on me.


I'm mostly guilty of pirating music. TV shows well, if they play OTA then they are fair game. Movies, if they are old and NOT on XBMC (which is what like maybe 5 movies that aren't) Then ok. Video games....only for a demo. If I don't like the game then who cares, delete and I saved $60. If I liked it, oh look STEAM! I

If you were musician, creating music, instead of just passively feeding off it, your stance would take a 180° turn. Learn a little bit about how to play, and you'll see how your attitude will change.

Extremely on-message.

Right, the reason piracy exploded originally, and I'm going back to like Napster, is that the entertainment industries informally colluded to control the means of distribution and set prices at rates that consumers sort of felt were unfair. Or I guess it would be more accurate to suggest that market forces allowed and

Steam killed my piracy of video games. The solution to piracy is usually thus: BE EASIER THAN PIRACY. I've had to pirate games in the past, that I already actually owned, but couldn't play, due to DRM. Thanks, Ubisoft.

Law of economics. The torpedo to sink this North Korean sub is likely going to be more valuable than the sub itself.

Mmmm.... Ovoid *homer drooling sound*