V6 engineered by Ferrari, and remarkably cast by Chrysler in Kokomo, Indiana and shipped to Modena for assembly.
V6 engineered by Ferrari, and remarkably cast by Chrysler in Kokomo, Indiana and shipped to Modena for assembly.
In America, what’s happening in Hong Kong is about an erosion of civil liberties, like free speech.
The ironic thing about base-2 advocates is that many of them never get there.
I for one hope that the perpetrators are cot.
Ehh, go to any NFL tailgate and you’ll find horrendously drunk people who’ve suddenly grown beer muscles.
So wooder they all mad about exactly?
“We’re now at the North Pole. Heh! There’s only way to go from here.”
No thanks. The new episodes never reached the height of the original run, and I’d rather not see Futurama go for more middling-to-alright seasons
Apparently, one of their engineers is actually the one who originally wrote that post on reddit, so they’re the ones who actually worked out the bricking reason and apparently a solution.
“From this alternate camera angle, we can clearly see Thomas’s thumb is extended, as are all five fingers on his left hand. That’s seven fingers, obviously a reference to WTC Tower 7, which mysteriously collapsed on 9/11 despite suffering no direct impact from any plane. This proves that Thomas wasn’t angry with me,…
I mean, maybe it would help if they come up a few inches short of a winning TD again.
The NYPD would rank number 36 when it comes to military spending, there are 97 countries on this planet that spend less on their militaries than this police force.
do you really think that anyone reading and commenting on Gizmodo is unaware of the difference between the satellite system and the devices that use them?
Nitpick: it’s not “GPS in general”. The Global Positioning System isn’t a navigation system. It’s just a tool to determine coordinates. Literally all GPS satellites do is send out a very precise time signal (in fact, lots of clocks are set by it now). Your GPS receiver takes the time signal from 3 or more satellites…
The hero is LeBron the player, the villain is LeBron the GM.
But that’s not accurate, the USMNT did put out a statement of support. Deadspin purposefully chose not to include it here.
Has replay made watching any sports more enjoyable for anyone? It sure hasn’t stopped the twats who love to complain about any call that doesn’t go their way. If anything it’s made them louder. For those of us who are content with the fact that nothing is ever perfect so quit worrying about it, it has made watching…
Garfield Minus Garfield was fantastic.