
Despite being ESPN’s Brett Favre insider, Ed Werder was a good reporter. Seeing a guy like him with 17 years experience get the boot most likely means they are ditching anyone above the age of 50 to save on salary.

All snark aside, I think this is actually pretty cool. This is exactly how I would’ve used the White House lawn if I was 11 years old and my Dad was the president.

It makes a difference because the guy sitting in 21A, who paid a bunch of money to be upgraded, will feel ripped off if they just let random people sit next to him. Also, United tries not to fill the economy plus middle seats unless the plane is full, and economy plus purchasers know that, so they would be taking away

“Impressive” is not exactly the word I would use. This takes zero actual skill. You just have to be willing to waste an incredible amount of time.

Please, please, signal when you are about to exit. Otherwise people about to enter don’t know that you’re exiting and are forced to stop and wait, defeating the entire purpose of a roundabout.

As someone that has neither an Apple phone (will never) or an Andriod phone (maybe someday) I am happy, screw Apple and Google both.

Its cool everyone. I fixed it. Now it looks better AND its more Jesus-y.

Not quite true. “There is an octorok on an island in the lava due south of Eldin’s flank that will repair your weapons. You throw your weapon near it and it will spit it out renewed after sucking it up. The island is in the far northeastern portion of Lake Darman, and is indicated with two burning skull torches and a

I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good rant, but stealth kills and flurry attacks (parry, mash x when time slows) don’t take off any weapon durability.

You can repair the two unique weapons in the game, both Zora Tridents; everything else is re-obtainable, quite easily.

There are 8 or so repairable weapons in the game. The breaking weapons is one of the best parts of the gameplay as it gives weight to every fight as you choose what weapon you use in what situation. It makes all items valuable as you can use weaker weapons as fodder for weaker enemies while you hold onto your stronger

You never go full triangle.

How anyone could think a one time fee is worse than loads of ads and microtransactions is beyond me. I am not a cow and certainly do not want to be milked with pointless cosmetic items and experience boosters. Now if they charged like $1 per world or something, i could maybe get behind that.

Aww man I should pre-registered they’re all sold out.

I guess it works if you’re a NY Knicks or Edmonton Oilers fan.

“These people have awful names.”

Fun fact, every time Seinfeld dropped the famous “what’s the deal with...” line, it was already self-referential satire poking fun at himself and lazy humor. He was already in on the joke before ironic memesters tried to paint it as his lone schtick.

Amen. We should not eliminate random acts of incompetence from the game.

Can I get an amen?

This take is like the opposite of sports talk radio. In other words, I enjoyed it immensely and agree 100%.