
Who the fuck hates Vince Carter????

Except not really it is the illusion of going forward.

China... Where everything is in the legal grey as long as it doesn’t impact the dictato... I mean government.

Seems counterintuitive to the "damage to the environment" ethos to render up to half a million vehicles inoperable, or otherwise destroy them, as part of the recall.

I think that it might be a backroom shady and intentional decision involving large amounts of money would add an incredible sense of realism to any game with FIFA proudly stamped on it.

Ill never understand the appeal to ultimate team. the amount of money you have to sink into it just to have a half decent team is unbelievable

Sad to see a great coach go, my condolences. Wait? Buddy Ryan died too?!?

Big deal. Toronto spends millions and doesn't have an NHL team either.

I could get legitimately excited for a new Adventure-style game. I still think that kind of “large hub world with ‘action’ stages littered throughout structure could work really well, they just haven’t made a good game around it yet.

Pretty much nothing at this point, really.

I guess I should have realized something so simple would be twisted into some kind of racial slur by the tragically clueless self congratulating echo chamber that is Gawker.

Come on man, you got the lyrics wrong in a song that is counting. its 12345 Sixers ***10 9 8 Seventy Sixers***

Still have Butler.

This is why history must be forced on kids in school. That’s a reference to WATERGATE, the scandal that ruined Richard Nixon’s presidency.

The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men

“The difference here is Mega Man earned that shit. Those early entries in the series were some of the best games available on the original Nintendo, short, sharp and well-polished. I will bang my head against a Mega Man level all day long, because I know in the end it’s worth it.”

It’s hard for me not to fall into the fatalist category. Just seeing how good other teams are doesn’t make Beckerman or Wondo any less bad, and the decision to start them any less terrible.

You mean the US lost to the #1 team in the world lead by the greatest player playing today.

Clever, but the team that lost 4-0 would decimate the tweeters.

Who does Darlington Nagbe have to kill to get into the starting XI?