
All these things are true but the timeline is needlessly confusing and not nearly apparent enough. I’ve read the books cover to cover and at first I just thought they were making adjustments to the story due to it being an adaptation until I realized they were time skipping. My girlfriend almost has given up on the

“Some people feel like we shouldn’t revisit the idea of Palpatine, and I don’t give a fuck what people think or the legacy of Star Wars because I’m completely lost in my own hubris,” Abrams concedes.

So they are hunting down Palpatine’s horcruxes?

You posted that? You’re braver than I thought. 

I don’t like spiders.

So it is science fiction...

Because people have different opinions than you? For example, I fucking loved The Last Jedi and felt it did a bunch of daring things, things that made a lot of fans mad, but were good for the franchise as a whole.

Coulson wouldn’t have believed a single word out of Ward’s mouth. Ward will always be a traitor to Coulson and the point was to bring in a character who could plausibly make Coulson question everything that’s happened. Though he’s not been seen since what, season 2? Mike Peterson has been an ally and a friend. So

This is the book/movie that’s gonna turn me into An Old.

I wasn’t thrilled by the new movie (as a movie, not as a Star Wars story - I’m not one of those nutters screaming about removing it from the canon). But I do enjoy how the new movies seem to be giving a much tighter focus on the ordinary people of the rebellion and empire. Finn is a grunt who just happens to be in the

Damn waste not having him on Canto Blight.

I loved it. It subverted expectations of events and character arcs and exceeded expectations in other ways entirely.

I agree with much of what you say, but I really really liked that Rey’s parents were nobodies. It means the Force is more democratic, and isn’t purely a blue-blood royalty hereditary sort of thing. It’s time to move beyond the Skywalker family, perhaps

I’m surprised and disappointed by the amount of negative fan reaction, especially in comparison to TFA, which I also enjoyed but was a much more flawed film.

I welcome our Porg overlords.

this is canon now

Coulson: Jesus Mack, how hard did you hit him?

Now playing

that Han was a blood descendant of Berethron e Solo, the King of Corellia 300 years before the events of the movies.