torched - White Gold Wielder

just had the hybrid segate in my vaio die after only 2 months.. yuck. What a pain in the arse.

much respect, takes balls of steel to climb those towers.

bonsai kitten!! I remember that from like 10 years ago.

Now that's funny.

you did click through to the real article right?

then you have to print them all out in one contiguous photo. Or you could actually do it like the above record holder and make a real panorama that has a contiguous background that is properly "stitched".

What people forget is that cholesterol is a type of glue manufactured by your body to repair the walls of the veins and arteries. LDL and HDL are the lipoproteins that carry the cholesterol around the body to the needed locations. HDL, being the larger of the two, was though to be an indicator of a lower risk of

The Japanese buy almost all the old growth lumber from the US. They have a stock pile so large that they sink the logs in the harbors and lakes for safe keeping.

They should just make her wear a green jump suit and a black glove so its just her head and a hand. At least that way she's not standing in front of relevant info.

So basically they created a more lush green earth for themselves. Good for them. Call me when they become suicidal and start listening to goth/punk rock.

Paying tax is a civic duty in any repressive socialistic society. Paying taxes is a civic duty in any society that wants to fund never ending international conflicts. Not paying taxes being patriotic only makes logical sense when you do not support a government that spends like a drunken sailor for what ever purpose.

here are 2 different 5D Mark II time lapse webcams on top of world trade center 7:

its not cost, its power consumption. You can't just plug one of these things in to a standard outlet either. They need their own 240v 40A breaker and that requires 8awg wires.

I would do something today but I haven't finished doing nothing from yesterday.

I don't see the danger because you have to land at half that altitude.

support your local farmers and butchers, buy local. This solves most of the problems here.

you guys know that vidya was targeted by a certain(site which shall not be named) image board to become viral. I've seen the threads. I watched the video when it was at 400k.

Proud of my Demon's Souls platinum and my fallout 3 platinum.