torched - White Gold Wielder


@a_guy_named_ryan: not everyone wants a phone dangling from their pc/embedded module.

@a_guy_named_ryan: This is not the contract for phones. Thats a whole different ball of wax. We're talking dongles here.

@dagfar: 10GB plan only $80

Already have ignition, but this looks cool.

@Vishus: or the universe might fold on itself

@mr3fifty7: The names of the characters are NOT immersive but the waggle is. So big bear is contradicting himself.

@ryetronics: unbelievable... not sure which is worse.

George Soros owns a controlling interest in the company that provides the full body imaging machines. Coincidence, I think not.

How much work though did it take to prep the dirt underneath. Its not like they can just poop the bricks out on any terrain.

@YuniYoshi: day, month, year so 30|01|1981 would work

@Top_failure: No, I'm serious. All combat operations have stopped and yet 50,000 troops still there...

on the other hand, submit the video to America's Funniest Videos and win $10K

So why haven't we pulled out under Obama?


We are no longer a farm based society. We need to get rid of DST all together.

@Victor Rodriguez: You must not listen to him. You must not understand that conservatives want LESS government involvement in our lives. You must not understand that this is politically in line with what he's said since he first got on the air years ago. But you must not care since it isn't politically expedient for