
One of the tips I love for growing plants with tiny seeds (carrots, beets, etc). is that if you want straight lines and want better varieties than you would find on normal seed strips then you can make your own.

In SoCal we grow all year round, so right now I am finishing up the beet and carrot harvest, the melons, corn, and 3rd round of peas (3 sisters technique) are coming in. Damn winter storms back east delayed my potatoes arriving, and I have put the first batch of sweet potato slips in the ground.

If it makes you feel any better I do laundry at least 5 days a week because I don't let my gym clothes ferment. The second I get home they go in a load that goes straight in the wash.

Big-footers represent? I do love how I can get some really nice shoes on clearance because giants apparently do not normally wear shoes. No matter, was able to swing $600 in dress shoes for less than $100

We do, it's called foodspin.

That is pretty much the rule for many foods that directly process fresh produce, such as canned vegetables. Tabasco does the exact same thing, peppers are processed the day they are picked (though now much of that seems to take place in Central and South America).

The only problem with a cooler is that they are water tight and air tight, which means mold can in them if you have a high enough moisture content in the air so currency probably wouldn't be the best thing to store.... unless you filled the bin with sand or a bunch of silicate desiccating packs.

Shit... that means that LoL is a rip-off of a rip-off paired with another rip-off...

I did not know there was an app for that (paperwhite user), I knew they could see your device but didn't know you could open a video while calling them.

Well, anything with a camera. Which is probably why that kindle fire with the "Mayday" button won't allow the rep to see you.

Another tip, this may vary from location to location, they often will refill your tank when it is a recall repair so if you were going to gas up that day be sure to do it after the repairs just in case they are doing that.

I take it Madison Rising was booked for that night so they had to make due?

It would be the polite thing to do, but this is using an existing franchise and when something is not approved you (the distribution team, product manager, etc.) need to pull down all offending material ASAP and if there is no approved comment you simply tell the affected players to not post.

As a consumer, do can you directly identify where they are harming you? I'm not debating that they are bad groups, but those groups are so large and nebulous that it gets difficult to pinpoint how they are hurting you without digging.

It most likely wasn't released early but rather accidentally had the beta released early (Aussie/NZ and Canada are common test grounds for NA/International releases for apps) and they don't want someone posting and slamming/praising non-final products.

Wouldn't that also burn bridges with your old manager since that is like a massive "fuck you" to them? While they may also be competitive, speaking from personal experience, they also like to collude and pissing off one may be the equivalence of black-listing yourself.

You know they can, even if they could fall under a permissible classification like "parody", the company is small and not at all equipped for a war over the toys.

I'm guessing it didn't since he went to a different company. I would imagine if he did ask for a raise in response it was swiftly met with a "We don't have the budget for that" or "That is all we're allowed to pay for your position" (I had the second one told to me shortly before I started looking).

I don't know if I would say that is true though. Fugly sure could be a bad thing if you were trying to show it on a public server and it was being invaded, but my guess is that the reason you don't see it much in titles is just because they don't want to spend the money on a system that is more cosmetic rather than

That wouldn't surprise me if they were basically just pumping you for information. Fake job postings by real companies are a very real issue that probably will never be fixed. Some do it because they (like you mentioned) are trying to figure out what they should be looking for, some do it to take a barometer of the