
I don't know if I would say it is that shady since it would be the equivalence of setting up a Netflix account. Even though the trial is "free" they want to make sure your account will be able to handle the regular charges so they place the charge on.

Not true, because there are quantifiable levels for various behaviors, there is an actual threshold.

IKR? Everyone who isn't a waste of skin knows this is the one, true Mara.

From what I understand, wearing one in Daytona is instant street-cred.

But, would you say they are "normal" compared to others? I have a coworker that is like Sheldon, I don't think "Hey he's normal" I think "I wonder how many dead transients he has buried in his backyard?"

They were talking about credit card fraud on the news yesterday, apparently it is a federal law that you are not liable for any fraudulent charges on your credit card, but there is no standard in place for debit (some offer the same protection some have a threshold).

Have you tried any of the cosmetic products on the market? Origins also has a good dark circle remover. If those are not an option a common tactic I've heard is to take rose water (you can get larger bottles cheap) and soak cotton pads with it and let them rest on your eyes for a while.

Ideally, they should, but I would imagine a cute original idea won't sell nearly as well as a parody (if they could get that claim to work) item would.

Wasn't there some national labor law that requires advance notice when you are shuttering a workplace and everyone is out of a job?

Other than perhaps the cream cheese, none of that stuff is totally out of place on the pizza (though roe is usually added after since the heat would wreck it). I do a "Yaley" pizza which is littlenecks and some other stuff baked in the wood fired oven.

With DLC that provides toilet paper armor, never have your finger punch through again.

No thimble?! Where is the Spoilers tag!

I have bad memories of a trip as a kid out there with parents who just wanted to learn so much about that stuff.

It's a thing hipsters drank after seeing people in Sedona drink moldy tea.

While they have plenty of houses, I have been hearing reports that Vegas has been on the recovery path and prices have been on the rise for once. Great for the city, not so hot for a company looking to dominate an area and probably demand huge perks like no-payroll tax.

I feel we need to see one with "Her body is ready" or whatnot.

Oh god, I have a cousin that is like the chicken breast requestor. I refuse to go to any restaurants where she will be in our party because even when they fill the order she will complain the entire meal.

Considering how I can get office drones to do whatever the hell I want for them, I would say they are above currency and at about the level of heroin.

Part of me hopes that pepsi white is just slightly thickened and carbonated. I really want to just open a bottle, put my thumb over the end and shake away like I just won the NBA finals.