
That was another odd thing with the game, the vigors and voxophones were presumably brand new (judging by the fair), so their proliferation (esp with the non-weapon item) doesn't make much sense. Also, since people weren't using vigors en masse, what exactly were the salt fountains used for?

It was sort of hinted at in the plot as a means of showing the connection... but I do agree, if the vigors were not a part of the early gameplay demo, I would swear that the idea was shoehorned in at the last minute.

I think it might depend on what industry or what type of meeting is going on. In meetings where I am, it isn't unusual to see people working on their tablets/phones in a meeting because they are either getting more information from their staff, trying out new builds, sending out action items, etc. since they may not

What probably does not help them is that, if I recall, their founders (and much of their staff) are ex-Blizzard employees. So their game not only feels like a really beautiful (visually) clone of WoW, but their business model also is the same way.

Gotcha, since I can't really get the other kind out here (short of mail order) I always wonder what the fat content is. I have this same problem with Andouille sausage when making Cajun/Creole dishes. It has almost no fat in it so after rendering I still have to add oil or the next steps won't work.

I'm not sure, but want one in the office.

Yes to buttermilk, and you can do that with lard, but some find the texture is too crisp and do a 50/50 mix of butter and lard/shortening.

You can buy many types of sausage in bulk at the butcher counter. But if it comes in a case, just make a slit down the casing and peel it off.

EA is teaming with MS to bring you Halo: Mobile Combat Evolved. With all the drama of the timers, and the action of your MTX purchases.

Two critical steps are missing from this. 1) Load your gravy into your handy gravy dispenser and 2) Place your mouth under said dispenser and activate the machine with your forehead.

Hmmm, never tried using chorizo for sausage gravy. One question, what type are you using? There is the firmer, I think Spanish, type (closer to traditional sausages) and then there is softer type that you usually see in the West.

Probably because one is more topically relevant and there is that "underdog" element to it. One is produced by a major corporation and distributed to a select group of people who are told to tell everyone how cool it is, the other is made by a small company. Unfortunately, I don't see either of them being picked up by

I've been pondering this... restaurants that are a hybrid of counter and table service (you order at the counter, you fill your own drinks, your food is prepared in a kitchen, and a server brings it to you), how should you tip?

Reading that, I am kind of surprised there are bosses out there that don't have some sort of check-in. One office I worked at there was the weekly report I would send the boss (that was partially to also bill out any labor done for other depts. so our budget wouldn't get hit), and a chat. Then at another place they

Well, OVR isn't behind this, but I would say that the location of the company may not help it much (It is in an affluent, white, heavily conservative part of So Cal).

Now the question, are there photos of non-white guys using the OR?

Depends, do you mean reaction to surprise participation in said sex or just viewing it?

Yeah it doesn't quite make sense, since GS won't likely take his paycheck directly, he would need to cash it. If he doesn't want to pay a fee (though I think Walmart might not charge one) he would need to have a bank account, and if he has a bank account then he wouldn't need gamestop. So either way, he is getting

Either that or his range of travel is however far he can walk.

If the person is truly doing that, I wonder how long it will be before the system catches on that he is a serial canceller? People who return stuff constantly to stores get flagged and either the store refuses to do business with them or adjusts their policies for that individual.